
Get Permanent Teeth in One Day

The “All-On-Four” solution is attractive to patients wanting to get rid of their dentures, and to people with failing teeth in need of a full upper and/or lower restoration. This procedure, as the name implies, only requires four dental implants per jaw to support a fully customized set of replacement teh. The entire “All-On-Four” procedure is completed in one day. Sedation is available if you want to sleep through the procedure.

Why choose All-On-Four?

Modern implant-based dentistry has provided a solution to the edentulous “toothless” patient that traditional dentures have never been able to deliver- immediate functionality with substantially increased quality of life.

This is accomplished through a prosthesis held solidly in place by four dental implants( The “All-On-Four” Procedure) which not only provides the comfort and security a patient is likely to be missing with removable dentures, but as importantly preserves bone in the jaw.

In addition to receiving a fully customized set of replacement teeth in just one day, another tremendous benefit also afforded by the “All-On-Four” procedure is it’s ability to almost always bypass the need for bone grafting – a surgery frequently required by more traditional treatment for patients with substantial loss of bone in the jaw.

The “All-On-Four” procedure eliminates the day-to-day frustrations and discomfort of dentures, apatients can once again enjoy the dietary freedom of those with natural teeth, it is the most sophisticated solution there is to tooth loss and edentulism.

The Procedure

Traditional approaches to restoring a full arch of teeth usually involved bone grafts, six or more implants, and as many as 18 months of treatment.That meant that a patient often would be without any teeth or with ill-fitting temporary dentures for more than a year

With the “All-On-Four” Dental Implant Procedure, the patient has one or two visits to our office to allow Dr. Hahn to gather information for a treatment plan(e.g., CAT scan, X-rays, impressions, photos). Following this consultation, the patient is scheduled for surgery implantation and the new teeth are fitted and adjusted (even when extractions are necessary).

The patient will return for occasional check-ups over the next several weeks and months. After a few months, when the gums have fully healed and the implants are fused to the natural bone, we will take new impressions of the patient’s mouth and prepare a final, stronger, permanent set of teeth adjusted to a perfect fit. This helps ensure the longest life of the teeth, and provide maximum support , beauty, and function to the patient.

Zirconia Prosthesis